The most infamous scene in The Toolbox Murders features the killer chasing a naked woman (who was masturbating in the tub) around with a nail gun. Hollis's death in the original My Bloody Valentine. The page image depicts a cover for the 1985 film The Nail Gun Massacre, a notoriously sub-par slasher which chronicles the killing spree of a maniac who, adorned in army fatigues and a motorcycle helmet, drives around in his gold hearse, killing semi-randomly with a nail gun while cracking bad jokes. James Bond ( Daniel Craig) uses a nail gun for self defense against Gettler in Casino Royale. In UHF, a mobster catches a few staples to the face. In Cliffhanger, Gabe ( Sylvester Stallone) uses a spike-gun to shoot a bad guy, but it's at close range, and it's pressed against a sheet of ice so it might work. In Final Destination 3, one of the victims meets her end when shot by a malfunctioning nail gun. Arachnophobia: Ross kills a spider with a nail gun. Event Horizon: Doctor Weir threatens other characters with a nail gun. Stay Alive: One character tries to use a nail gun to " nail" a vampire. Sergeant Murtaugh is attacked by South African agents and defends himself with a nail gun, ending it with him invoking the trope name. In Mousehunt, one of the two heroes is using a nail gun, not knowing that the mouse is behind the wall. In Small Soldiers, a nail gun is used as a heavy machine gun. A nail gun is used for a particularly brutal murder in Ill Met By Moonlight. Chucky kills the lecherous Sugar Daddy with a nail gun in Hack Slash vs. Blastosaurus: At one point, raptors shoot at the title character with nail guns. Franky in One Piece can spit nails in a gatling-like fashion from his mouth. Near the beginning of Highschool of the Dead, Kohta modifies a nail gun into an improvised rifle and consistently headshoots the infected with it. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.
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