
Tanith first and only
Tanith first and only

tanith first and only

After weeks of holding the city against Zoican attacks led by the Warlord Heritor Asphodel, the Zoicans finally broke through the walls and the Imperial Guard regiments fought to their last. The first time was on the world of Verghast, where the First was charged with defending the city of Vervunhive. With each victory, hundreds of volunteers flock to join the regiment and keep the numbers up. Not all men are from the nalwood world of Tanith.

tanith first and only

With each death, the Tanith breed shrinks and soon their may be none left from the regiment to find a world they may call New Tanith. Clad in black light armour and camo cloak with a lasgun and a tanith knife, the First-and-Only are the stealth troopers and infiltration teams. Men of the First Founding were the original members of the Tanith First. After many years of the bitter fighting against the Forces of Chaos, the memory of the burning nalwoods of their home world stay fresh in their minds. Why collect a Tanith First-and-Only Army? In the midst of the billions of Imperial Guard regiments, the Tanith First are a dying breed. By IGBunker and Colonel hark of 40k online DO NOT USE WITH OUT PERMISSION! 2008

Tanith first and only